
ETRFI = Ecumenical Theological Research Fraternity Israel

Founded in Jerusalem in February 1966 by a group of clergy and theologians living in Israel. They shared the feeling that recent history demanded a fundamental consideration of Christian attitudes towards the Jewish faith and people, and that the State of Israel offered a unique setting for facing this task together.

The objectives of the Ecumenical Fraternity are:

  1. To deepen the Christian relationship with Jews, Judaism and Israel.
  2. To draw together the different Christian traditions into a theological fraternity.
  3. To be a catalyst in Christian-Jewish dialogue and reconciliation world-wide.

Today, ETRFI is the recognized roof-organization for Christians engaged in Christian-Jewish dialogue in Israel. It is also the ecumenical group containing the widest range of members from all the historic churches. Members are representatives of the Protestant, Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches in approximately equal numbers, totalling more than one hundred, both locally and abroad.

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