IMMANUEL 13 fall 1981
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author | title | page | Preface | 5 | 107k |
Hebrew Bible | Joshua Schwartz | Sinai in Jewish Thought and Tradition | 7 | 307k | Joseph Tabory | A Key to the Rabbinic Bible: A Review of Torah ha-Ketubah veha-Messurah [book review] | 15 | 219k | Yaira Amit | A New Outlook on the Book of Chronicles [book review] | 20 | 338k |
New Testament and First Centuries Judaism | Ze’ev Safrai | The Administrative Structure of Judea in the Roman and Byzantine Period | 30 | 434k | Ray Pritz | On Brandon’s Rejection of the Pella Tradition | 39 | 260k | Joseph Tabory | A Millenium of Jewish Literature: A Review of Sarei ha-Elef [book review] | 44 | 256k |
Jewish Thought and Spirituality | Z.M. Rabinowitz | The Midrashic Works of the Jews of Yemen | 50 | 320k | Moshe Idel | Wirszubski’s Contribution to Research in Christian Kabbalah [book review] | 57 | 319k | Moshe Idel | A Note Concerning the Origins of Flavius Mithridates’ “Vetus Talmud” | 64 | 225k |
Jewish-Christian Relations, Past and Present | Frank Talmage | The Polemical Writings of Profiat Duran | 69 | 613k | Zvi Bacharach | Christianity and Anti-Semitism: Ettinger’s Modern Anti-Semitism [book review] | 86 | 237k | Ezra Mendelsohn | The Foreign Relations of the Jews: Katz’ Sinat Yisrael [book review] | 91 | 197k |
Contemporary Religious Life and Thought in Israel | Michael Rosenak | Do Jews See the World Differently? An Educational Perspective | 95 | 414k | Pinhas H. Peli | “Jewish Religiosity” According to Buber | 107 | 566k | Avital Wohlman | The Question of Joshua and the Response of I. Leibovitz | 124 | 153k |