IMMANUEL 19 winter 1984/85

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Preface 5 667k
Hebrew Bible
Shmuel Abramski The Beginnings of the Israelite Monarchy and its Impact upon Leadership in Israel 7 4699k
Shmuel Vargon Analogies and Parallels in the Book of Samuel [book review] 22 2580k
New Testament and First Centuries Judaism
David Flusser What Was the Original Meaning of Ecce-Homo? 30 3531k
Pau Figueras Jewish Ossuaries and Secondary Burial: Their Significance for Christianity 41 5327k
John Lundmark Interpretation and Dogmatism [correspondence] 58 577k
Jewish Thought and Spirituality
Moises Orfali Anthropomorphism in the Christian Reproach of the Jews in Spain (12th-15th Century) 60 4369k
Francois Dreyfus Divine Condescension (Synkatabasis) as a Hermeneutical Principle in the Jewish and Christian Traditions 74 4106k
Jewish-Christian Relations, Past and Present
Daniel Rossing Christian Minorities in the Middle East 87 4783k
Brad Young Jewish Scholarship and Jesus 102 1614k
Contemporary Religious Life and Thought in Israel
Eliezer Schweid Two Neo-Orthodox Responses to Secularization — Part I: Samson Raphael Hirsch 107 3610k
Jonathan Chipman Mordecai Kaplan - An Appreciation 118 1883k
Bulletins 124 1089k