IMMANUEL 26/27 1994

theme: Orthodox Christians and Jews on Continuity and Renewal

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Malcolm Löwe Editor’s Foreword 7 -
Part 1 - Continuity and Renewal: The Third Academic Meeting between Orthodoxy and Judaism
Prologue 14 -
List of Participants 15 -
Program 19 -
Pictures from the Meeting 21 -
Session 1: Welcoming Addresses
Message of Welcome & Response 23 -
Mrs. Virginia Tsouderou Wellcoming Address 28 -
Mr. Israel Singer Wellcoming Address 31 -
Metropolitan Damaskinos of Switzerland Opening Address 34 -
Dr. Gerhart M. Riegner Response to Opening Address 38 -
Session 2: Scripture and Hermeneutics
Rabbi Prof. Walter S. Wurzburger Scripture and Hermeneutics: A Jewish View 41 323k
Prof. Elias Oikonomou Scripture and Hermeneutics: An Orthodox View 49 248k
Discussion Scripture and Hermeneutics 57 427k
Session 3: Memory and Responsibility
Prof. Jean Halpérin Memory and Responsibility: A Jewish View 74 229k
Bishop Irineos of Batska Memory and Responsibility: An Orthodox View 80 204k
Discussion Memory and Responsibility 87 370k
Session 4: Christian Orthodoxy and Judaism in the Modern World
Judge Israel Finestein Q.C. Judaism in the Modern World 100 222k
Rev. Prof. Vitaly Borovoy Christian Orthodoxy in the Modern World 107 412k
Discussion Christian Othodoxy and Judaism in the Modern World 120 414k
Session 5: Faithfulness to the Roots and Commitment toward the Future
Prof. R.J. Zwi Werblowsky Faithfulness to the Roots and Commitment to the Future: A Jewish View 136 215k
Rev. Prof. Theodore Stylianopoulos Faithfulness to the Roots and Commitment to the Future: An Orthodox View 142 570k
Session 6: Conclusion
Final Discussion 172 408k
Communiqué Third Academic Meeting between Orthodoxy and Judaism 184 164k
Dr. Gerhart M. Riegner Closing Remarks 188 172k
Metropolitan Damaskinos of Switzerland Closing Remarks 192 130k
Part 2 - Theology and History of Dialogue between Orthodox Christians and Jews
Prof. Jean Halpérin Vladimir Soloviev Listens to Israel: The Christian Question 198 521k
Petra Heldt A Brief History of Dialogue between Orthodox Christian and Jews 211 464k
Metropolitan Damaskinos of Switzerland Truth and Tolerance in Orthodoxy 225 427k
Petra Heldt Bibliography of Dialogue between Orthodox Christians and Jews 240 382k
Notices 251 -